Project Background
The purpose of the ground investigation works was to determine the ground and groundwater conditions to identify significant environmental risks.
The geotechnical information would then be obtained to support the civil engineering design of a mine water treatment scheme in order to protect the River Don and River Dearne. The design will consist of a series of reed and settlement beds which will process contaminated mine water from shaft No2 to an acceptable standard.
Client Challenge
Open fieldwork in the cold winter months presented numerous challenges due to the freezing ground conditions and the freezing of pipes and water. The area also contained public footpaths that must be maintained and kept safe for the public.
Van Elle Solutions
The Strata team were responsible for preparing and carrying out a new subgrade for the access road, foundations for the main beds and pipe route and local regrading earthworks.
The use of Rotary Open Hole Drilling to check for the presence of shallow mine workings and also to locate a recorded mine adit by drilling 2 arrays/rows of 6 boreholes. The team also carried out Rotary Coring for the investigation of ground conditions including Standard Penetration Tests, Permeability Tests, and the installation of monitoring wells.
The purpose of the investigation is to determine ground and groundwater conditions to identify significant environmental risks, and to obtain geotechnical information to support the civil. Machine-excavated trial pits recovered soil examples for laboratory geotechnical and chemical analysis.