Case Study
Van-Elle-ScrewFast-Helical Piles & Steel Connection Grillages

WHP Telecoms

ScrewFast helical piles

Birmingham, Lincoln, Rochdale and Blackburn

ScrewFast helical piles installed on five sites in just five days

ScrewFast offered client WHP Telecoms a full turnkey solution, providing GI, design, manufacture, delivery and installation of helical piles and steel grillages across five UK locations in just five days.

Project Background

To support the erection of 5G telecoms masts in Birmingham (two locations), Lincoln, Rochdale and Blackburn, the ScrewFast team installed four (140 diameter) helical piles at each location to support a steel connection grillage, upon which the masts would sit.

Client Challenge

Care had to be taken as all of the sites involved streetworks, so the ground was often littered with services.

The works did not involve wet concrete, so the client was able to erect the towers immediately following the installation of the ScrewFast foundations. This led to a significant programme   saving, both in terms of time and money.

ScrewFast Solutions

Thanks to ScrewFast’s early involvement the team were able to design and manufacture a unique solution for the client’s specific needs.

In addition, works of this nature are usually carried out over two days per site, but thanks to early contractor involvement (ECI) ScrewFast was able to plan and prepare for logistical efficiencies which allowed for the safe installation, across a range of sites, in just five days.


Key Benefits

Delivery: Early involvement resulted in a quicker turnaround per site Minimum disruption to the community as works continued around usual services

Installation: Five-day programme

Project Stats

Client: WHP Telecoms

Value: £100K

Date: Summer 2021

Rig/Kit: 13T Tracked Excavators