30th January 2023

Earlier this month, two of our Strata cable percussion drillers, Scott Dunthorne and Ryan Hayes, received a Safety Coin from AECOM in recognition of safe work practices.

Safety Coins are award coins given to employees who follow safety best practices and encourage employees to be more conscious of their safety in the workspace.

Ryan and Scott were recognised for removing a faulty piece of equipment, (a Standard Penetration Testing rod with deficient thread) from service and for consistently maintaining a high standard of housekeeping around their work site.

AECOM noted that if the rod had continued to be used, the condition of the thread may have deteriorated, and it could have ultimately failed.

As our company ethos is always to put safety first and production second, it is a great accomplishment to be commended for ensuring a safe working environment.

Mark Cutler, Chief Executive, said: “I’m delighted when one of our team has the confidence and commitment to stop and challenge if something is not safe.

“I’m very proud of Scott and Ryan for taking appropriate action and I’m pleased they have been recognised with this safety accolade.”

Well done to Scott and Ryan for setting a great example and being at the forefront of safety whilst on site. 

Scott Dunthorne and Ryan Hayes received a Safety Coin from AECOM in recognition of safe work practices.